Minggu, 14 Oktober 2012

Characthers (all)


Birthday: 11 Spring
Favourite Scent:
Favourite Gifts:  Flowers

Birthday Gift, 1st Year: Blue Crystal Seed

Official Description:  A kind and generous girl who raises flowers with love
and care.  

Family:  Wells, Monica

Item 1: Tin Waterpot

Shara is the proprietress of the local Flower Shop, daughter of the Mayor and
is the girl who discovers you initially and offers you a home in the Sharance
Tree.   She will introduce you to the Request System and her first Request
will allow you to introduce yourself to all the other villagers.

Each day, you can obtain free Cologne from Shara if you visit her during
business hours at her shop.  Characters respond to different Scents and by
speaking to a Character when you are wearing his/her Favourite Cologne, you
will raise Friendship Levels.

Actual Dialogue:

Shara:  This is the calendar.  It has the dates of all the festivals in town in
it.  Check the calendar to see when festivals are held, so you don't
accidentally miss any!  The calendar also displays the birthdays of people you
know.  But you won't know some one's birthday unless they tell you, so get to
know every one!  Speaking of which, my birthday is on Spring 11th.  And
Raven's birthday is on Spring 29th.  Be sure to give us lots of presents!

Freyr: ...

On 11 Spring:

Monica:  Today's my sister's birthday!(music)  

Freyr:  Did you get her a gift?

Monica (with cross hurt)  Hmm!  Hmmm... I'll let you get near my sister today. 
But only today!

Freyr:  Really?

Monica;  But you'd better give her something she loves!


Monica:  Shara really likes Flowers!  So give her some nice ones!

Shara:  (with red hearts pouring out)  Today is my birthday.  Did you get
something for me?

Shara:  Do you know where I got my name?

Freyr:  Hmmm...

Shara:  Here's a hint.  It's something that plays a big role in your life here.

Freyr:  Hmmm...?

Shara:  Oh, do you give up?  The answer is... the Sharance Tree!

Freyr:  Oh, Shara is from Sharance!  Of course!

Shara:  Tee-hee.  That's right!  My grandfather wanted me to be just as loved
as the Sharance Tree.

Freyr:  Wells must care about you very much.

Shara:  He's always looked out for me.


Birthday: 29 Spring
Favourite Cologne:  Strange Scent
Favourite Gifts: Elemental Crystals, Pendants, Pink Cat, Charm Blue, Toyherb,
Moondrop, Ores

Birthday Gift, 1st Year: Heart Pendant

Official Description:  Likes to keep to herself, and doesn't interact much with
other people.  Has a warm side to her.  

Family: None

Item 1: Broadsword

Raven:  Stay away from me... Nice smell... (Strange Scent)

If I give Raven Antidotal Herb (5):  Thanks.  It's really relaxiing when you
have Pink Cat and Charm Blue.

Freyr:  What?

Raven:  Never mind...

For Medicinal Herb: (+20 with music)  Is this for me?  I see.  Thanks. ... It's
really relaxing when you have Toyherb and Moondrop.

Freyr:  What?

Raven:  Never mind...

For Cheap Bracelet or Bamboo Shoot (+5)  (with music) Is this for me?  Thanks. 
I could've made a pendant out of a crystal or something...

For Fire Crystal:  Oh... ... I really li... I don't hate them.  Thank you...

For Iron Ore on her Birthday  Is this a birthday present? ...Thank you.  ...I
really li... I don't hate them.  Thank you...

But on any other day for Iron:

Raven for Iron: Is this for me? Thanks. I could've made a pendant out of a
crystal or something.

On Raven's Birthday:  

Karina:  Freyr, did you get a present for Raven?  It's her birthday today, so
why don't you get her a Sun Pendant?

Shara:  Today is Raven's birthday.  She really liked the pendant I got her. 
Raven may seem cold, but she's actually very kind.


Birthday: 4 Winter
Favourite Scents:
Favourite Gifts: Gems and Accessories
Dislikes: Diamonds

Official Description:  Unbelievably lazy girl who works at the general store,. 
She's usually napping on the job.

Family: Hazel

Weapon/Equipment: None

Karina is Hazel's indolent daughter and is, despite her protests to her mother,
in charge of collecting your shipments at 5.00 p.m. daily.  She works at the
General Store as well, alternating shifts with her mother.

Karina for Ruby Ring (displays big red heart) What? For me? I really love
sparkly accessories like this! Thanks, Freyr! (I'm so happy...!)

Hazel:  That lazy daughter of mine...

Freyr:  What's wrong?

Hazel:  I told her she was too slow at bagging, so now she just makes all the
customers bag their own supplies!

Freyr (with nervous laughter)  Well, that's one solution!

Medicinal herb for Karina:  Oh, for me?  Um... thanks.  (A gem or accessory
would have been nicer.)  (+20)

Karina:  Gems are nice.   I know that sounds kind of shallow and materialistic.
 But I like the way they look.  Oh, but I don't like Diamonds very much. 
(Anything but that.)


Favourite Scents: Magic Musk
Most Favourite Gifts: Green Vegetables
Most Detested Gifts:

Official Description: Outgoing girl who's training to become a doctor. 
However, her treatments don't always go as planned...

Family: Marjorie

Item 1: Magic Shot

Marian's Story

Marian is the granddaughter of Marjorie, the local apothecary.  She believes
that science and magic can be combined to produce new treatments in medicine. 
Her experimental philosophy, however, can result in medications that have
negative effects and many of her Requests require that you either serve as a
'guinea pig' or persuade another Character to do so.

It is only when you Invite Marian on a Date at 7 Hearts that you really begin
to understand how noble her ambitions are.  She wishes to find a 'Cure-All'
medicine that will cure all maladies and wishes to become as capable as her
grandmother of 'making people happy' with nothing more than her words.

For Medicianl Herb: (+20)  with music:  Of, is this for me?  Well, I'll be sure
to use this for my experiments.  I would have happyily accepted any green

Shara:  Today's scent is... Magic Musk.  It's perfume made from magic powder.
People who like magic are sure to love it.

Marian loves it, of course.

Marian:  Oh, that smells good... It makes me want to stuff you in a bottle. 
(with many hearts pouring out of her) (Magic Musk)

Freyr:  Let's not do that.

Marian for Spinach (with music): Oh! I really like these! I love how green
vegetables smell, although some people hate it. Thanks.

Marian for Healing Potion (+1100)  Oh, is this for me?  Well, I'll be sure to
use this for my experiments.  I would've happily accepted any green

Marian:  Some coloured grass can only grow in certain seasons!  But we carry
all of them in our store!  Convenient, eh?  I'll be waiting for you with my


Birthday: 7 Autumn
Favourite Scents:
Favourite Gifts: Rare Can, Super Fail
Loves: Rocks, Withered Grass, Failed Dish
Dislikes: Powders

Official Description:  Sherman's spoiled, haughty daughter.  Takes after his
habit of speaking in opposites.  

Family: Sherman, Evelyn

Item 1: Steel Sword
Item 2:

Sofia is one of Sherman's two daughters and therefore a wealthy heiress.  Her
father is the equivalent of the 'Gourmet' of the Sainte-Coquille family in
other Rune Factory games.  Sherman and his daughters have an odd habit of
speaking in opposites.  If, therefore, Sofia declares that she likes
something, the item is to be avoided at all costs as a Gift.

Sofia:  I really love powdery things...  So if you ever get any please bring it
to me. (now with cross hurt)  I'll really like you for it!  (In other words,
she hates powders.)

Today's scent is... Scentless Cologne!

Freyr:  Huh?  Isn't that kind of pointless?

Shara (Very nice):  I'm not really sure.  Some people like it, though.  I just
can't figure out why.

Sofia (for Scentless Cologne) (with hearts pouring out):  What a terrible
smell.  Please step back a little.

For Medicinal Herb (+20 Green)  Is this for me?  Thanks.  Well, I suppose I'll
take it.  But I am actually not interested in useless objects.

Sofia:  My sources say that one can find a rare can somewhere in the world.

Freyr:  Really?!

Sofia:  I'm lying.

Sofia:  I actually like things that seem useless to every one else!

Like what?

Sofia:  Failed Dish!  Scrap Metal!   And I'll have you know that I simply
cannot STAND Withered Grass!  (with music)  But Can and Boot are just the
what does she need with all that garbage...?

For Rock or Withered Grass (with music):  Why, what a useful object!  (I hate
you!)  I hate these!  I hope you bring me more sometime.

On Sofia's Birthday:

Freyr:  Raven.  What's that in your hand...?

Raven:  A worn-out accessory.

Freyr:  Are you going to put it for sale?

Raven:  ...It's for Sofia's birthday.

Freyr:  Oh, I see...

Sherman:  I shall not collect any garbage today, young squire!  After all, it's
Sofia's birthday!  I simply cannot rightly ask the task of any one else!

Evelyn:  What kind of offal should I give Sofia this year?

Freyr:  What are you talking about?

Evelyn:  Sofia's birthday present!  I give her an offal-studded outfit every

Freyr:  I don't even want to kknow what that looks like.  Or smells like, for
that matter.

Karina:  You know, it's Sofia's birthday today.  I should give her something
she'll say she loves.  (if possible...)

Shara:  Since today is Sofia's birthday, I gave her withered grass.  Sofia's
taste in gifts is a little strange.  I like that about her.

Sofia:  How sad.

Freyr: What?

Sofia:  Today is my birthday.

For Failed Dish:  What?  This?!  (now blushing))  To receive such a useful
object for my brithday!  (now with music)  Thanks!  I hope you bring me more

When I give Sofia Super Fail:

Sofia (with big red heart):  This is...!  What could be more useful?!  This is
the absolute worst!  I really hate these!  I'd like to have some more
sometime.  (with music)


Birthday: 21 Spring
Favourite Scents:  Scentless Cologne
Favourite Gifts:  Yarn Ball, Fish

Official Description:  A misguided fashionista who'll use anything for an
outfit... and we do mean ANYTHING.

Family: Sofia, Sherman


Item 1: Staff
Item 2:

Evelyn is one of Sherman's two daughters but unlike her father and sister
Sofia, does not speak in opposites.  She designs and fashions clothing,
specialising in bizarre materials and styles and sells it at a little counter
on the ground floor of the Mansion.
Later, her Shop Menu will expand to include Toys, Potted Plants and Artworks by

Evelyn's Story

Evelyn's Story deals primarily with her ambitions to create outstanding lines
of clothing using War Trophies and other unusual items.  In Rune Factory 3,
any War Trophy can be used to upgrade Weapons, Tools and Accessories, to add
the specific stats of the Material to the Item being upgraded.  It is this
that is at the heart of Evelyn's Requests for Materials.

Actual Responses:

For Scentless Cologne:  (with music pouring out)  Oh, what a nice scent.  Is
that cologne?

For Scrap Metal: Oh, a present?  I have enough trash material.  I could have
used Yarn Ball for my next outfit, though...

For Yarn Ball (with big red heart):  What?!  I can have this?!  (I'm happy!) 
I'm so happy!  Thank you very much!  To get such wonderful material...  (now
with hearts pouring forth)  Hee-hee, what raw food could I add to make it

Freyr:  Raw...??!

On 21 Spring: 

Evelyn:  Today's my birthday!  I'd planned on giving away fish-embroidered
outfits to repay every gift I got today!  But for some reason, Sofia said that
wasn't a good idea!  What should I do to thnk people, then...?

For Baked Rice Ball:  (121)  What?  Is this for me? (Thank you very much!) 
What a wonderful birthday present.  Thank you.  Although I can't use it as
clothing material.

For Fish:  Oh, is this my birthday present?  This is clothing materials!  Did
you want me to design a new outfit?

Freyr:  Um, yes.

Evelyn: (thank you very much!)  Thank you very much.  I'd like to show it to
you when i'm done.

Freyr:  Ha ha...

Sofia:  Today is Evelyn's Birthday.  What does she detest?  Embroidering
material for her clothes!  Like fish!

Freyr:  Uh, don't you mean 'cooking ingredients'?

Sherman:  I highly doubt I shall feel even a nibble when I go fishing today. 
Oh, and the fish are for me!  They are most certainly NOT Evelyn's birthday

Today is my birthday!  I planned on giving away fish-embroidered outfits to
repay every gift I got today!  But for some reason, Sofia said taht wasn't a
good idea!  What should I do to thank people, then...?

Evelyn:  I heard that if you propose under the Sharance Tree, that love will
blossom.  ... Maybe I should try it.

Freyr:  Really?

Evelyn:  ... But I have nobody to propose to.  And I don't particularly like
any one.

Freyr:  Well... can't really help you there.


Birthday: 21 Autumn
Favourite Cologne: Delicious Delight
Most Favourite Gift:  Curry Rice
Favourite Gifts: Rice Dishes
Detests: Milk

Official Description: Works at the diner.  She'll out-eat any one in town...
unless sh's distracted by food.

Family: Blaise, Rusk

Item 1: Lollipop
Item 2: 
Freyr:  Collette, I know you hate milk, but do you have a favourite food?

Collette:  Hmm... Well, I really like Rice!  Oh!  And Tempura Bowl!  And Fried
Rice!  And Baked Rice Ball!  And -

Freyr:  Okay, okay!  I got it!  So you really like Rice, then.

For Toyherb:  (with white balls and stars) (+20)  Thanks!  Is this Toyherb for
me?  Next time can I have Rices?  

Collette:  My birthday's Fall 21!  Dad's gonna make me a ginormous feast!

Freyr:  Is any one else invited to the party?

Collette:  Of course!  But the food's all MINE!

On her Birthday:

Rusk:  Today's Collette's Birthday.  I hope Marian isn't thinking to do
something crazy.

Freyr:  hey, Marian... What's that black liquid you have...?

Marian:  Oh, it's for Collette.  I made this extra special since it's her

Blaise:  Today is Collette's Birthday.  I'll make her a special Curry Rice.

Collette:  Today's my birthday.  You think I grew a little taller?

For Curry Rice (with big red heart) (+231 green): (Can't wait to scarf it!)  Is
this a birthday present?!  I really love Curry Rices!  I'm so happy!

For Rice Ball: (+79 Green)  Is this a birthday present?  I really like Rice
Balls.  I'm so happy!


Birthday: 6 Summer
Favourite Scent:
Favourite Gifts:  Fruits, Squid
Detests: Most prepared Fish Dishes

Official Description:  The bathhouse assistant.  Ditzy girl with a bit of a
fishy secret...

Family: None


Item 1: Dekash
Item 2:

Pia's Story

Pia's Story:  Pia is a Mermaid who, rather appropriately runs the local
bathhouse at the Inn.  Although she is not Shino's biological daughter, she is
treated as a member of the family both by Shino and by her daughter Sakuya.  

Pia's Story is interwoven with Sakuya's Story and is centred on Stand-up Comedy
as a method of drumming up more business for the Inn.  If you are interested
in Pia as a potential wife, you should complete the Requests of both Girls. 
As her 'Mother', Shino is involved in Pia's Story as well and there are some
Requests by Shino that should be completed if you wish to marry Pia.

The other aspect of Pia's Story is centred on her efforts to improve her
beloved Baths.  The motif of a squid floating in the bath is one that is
frequently mentioned.

One of the first questions Pia will ask you is whether you like fish or not. 
If you respond that they are tasty, she will be hurt but if you tell her they
are 'cute', she will be well-pleased.

You can find a Squid by investigating the Tub in her room at the Inn.

For Toyherb:   I can have this?  Thank you! (music)  Wait a second.  But was it
my birthday today?

Freyr:  Well, it's not anything like that...  

Pia:  Oh, and while I'm at it, here are a few presents that would be awesome
for SQUIDFEST!  Orange!  Apple!  Grape!  And of course, Squid!

Freyr:  All that?!

Pia:  I thought I wanted Charm Blue for my bath today...  But it turns out I
felt like Toyherb instead!

Freyr:  Uh, what are you even talking about?

For Skipjack (with black cloud)  Thank you for helping out with my effort to
rescue the fish!

Freyr (with tear)  Y-You're welcome...

Pia:  When I was cleaning the bath, I found a Squid floating in it!  Looks like
some one didn't finish eating it!

Freyr: Yuck!  Who would be eating in the bath?

Shino:  Today's Pia's birthday, so I'll make some Squid Sashimi.

Sakuya:  today's Pia's birthday.  Maybe I'll go catch a squid for her.

Pia:  Whoo-HOO!  Today's my birthday!  Or, as I like to call it: the SQUIDFEST!

Freyr:  I don't think you can just make up holidays like that...

Pia for Apple (+90):  What?  For me?  Thank you!  Today's my birthday. Sakuya
and Shino got me fruit and squid because they know they're my favourite!  I'm
so lucky.


Birthday: 25 Summer
Favourite Cologne: Worldly Traveler or Fish Scent
Favourite Gifts:  Wooly Fur, Sashimi, War Trophies other than Food

Official Description:  An inn attendant who loves to travel.  Sells items she
finds in dungeons.  Not a fan of monsters.  

Family: Shino

Item 1: Claymore
Item 2:

Sakuya is an intrepid traveler who sells her 'souvenirs' at the Inn. 

Sakuya:  I love it!  (Fish Scent)

Sakuya has tons of Wooly Fur hidden in her wardrobe.  If you give one to her:

Sakuya:  Is this for me?!  (Thanks!)  Thanks.  I really like these.  Now to get
a price tag on it... I'm just kidding.  Thanks, Freyr! (music)

For Medicinal Herb:  (+20 green)  Thanks!)  What?  For me?  Thanks!  By the
way, I really like sashimi.  And I love items that are hard to come by.  They
make for nice souvenirs to sell.

Freyr:  I'll think about it.

On her Birthday:

Sakuya:  Oh, Freyr.  Today's my birthday.

My choices:

I see.
What do you want?

If you choose:  What do you want?

Sakuya: (Thanks!)  What?!  You're gonna get me something?!  I feel a little
guilty.  Then...  (with music)  I'd be happy to get any sashimi or something a
monster drops.

If you choose:  I see.

Sakuya (sighing)  Yeah, that's right.

For Squid Sashimi (+92)  What?  I can really have this?  Thanks!  I really like
these.  I'll be sure to have it with my birthday dinner!  Thanks!
For Turbot Sashimi (+151)  What?  I can really have this?  (Thanks!  I really
like these.  I'll be sure to have it with my birthday dinner!  Thanks!


Birthday: 22 Winter

Favourite Colognes: Fish Scent, Sharance Spice
Most Favourite Gift:  Seafood Pizza
Loves: Fish, Sashimi
Dislikes: Pumpkin

Official Description:  Loves fishing and her brother.  Helps out at the family
fishing resort.  Full of energy and easily excited.

Family: Carlos

Item 1: Intermediate Pole
Item 2:

Carmen with her brother Carlos runs a Fishing Resort where you can pay to fish
in a pond stocked with rare and valuable varieties of fish.  It is Carmen who
will give you your first Fishing Rod in her first Request Event.  She and her
brother are extremely close.

Carmen:  Hiuh?  Something smells good!  What is it?  It's so relaxing.  I
wonder why this reminds me of Carlos.  It's so nostalgic.  (Fish Scent)

For Seafood Pizza (displaying red heart, following by an outpouring of hearts):
(+293 green) (Awesome!  Thanks so much!)  Wow, I'm so happy.  Seafood Pizza! 
Yay!!  It's like I was born for this!  Really, thank you!

Freyr:  Ha ha, you're overreacting.  But, I'm glad that you like it.

Carmen for Salmon Sashimi (+92)  Ah!  Salmon Sashimi!  I really like these! 
But... since you gave me this, I need to tell you something! (with hearts
pouring out)  I love Seafood Pizza only slightly less than I love my brother. 
There, I said it!  So, keep that in mind next time!

Carmen for Medicinal Herb (+20):  (Thanks!)  What's this?  Thanks.  You
shouldn't give me Pumpkin.  You can't do anything with them.

Carmen:  Broiled, steamed or raw, fish is so delicious!  I'm actually good at
cooking.  When I get married, I'm going to cook for my husband.  But I still
haven't found a guy better than my brother.  It's a serious problem.

Reference to Trampoli and Rune Factory Frontier:

Carmen:  Hey, I just heard this.  There's an island in the sky that's shaped
like a whale!  How cool is that?!

Freyr:  Really?  A whale?  That must be a big island.

Carmen:  I told Carlos about it!  He said that that's where the King Fish must
live!  Ah, I want to go there at least once.  My fishing master blood is


Birthday: 24 Spring
Favourite Scent: Rainbow
Favourite Gifts: Dried Sardines
Loves: Jams, Coloured Grasses, Curries
Most Detested: Shrimp

Official Description: An excitable and eccentric artist of many mediums.  She
LOVES rainbows.  

Family:  Her art

Item 1: War Hammer
Item 2:

Daria is an Elven Artist whose primary magic is based on Rainbow Power.  She
lives in the Rainbow Studio in the clearing that is the location of the
entrance to Privera Forest.  

You can find Miso Eggplant in the chest of drawers next to her bed.

Shara:  Today's scent is... Rainbow!

Freyr: What do rainbows even smell like?

Shara:  I have no idea, but that's how Daria described it.

Daria:  Huh?  You smell good.  Is it dried sardines? (displaying red hearts)

Freyr:  I don't think so.

For Dried Sardines (displays a big red heart):  Oh... (blushing)  I love
this... Thanks.

Daria:  Bring me any coloured grass you find.
Oh, or jam would be good.  It makes for great colour and a really interesting
texture.  Gets a little smelly though.

For Orange Grass (+95)  Oh, Orange Grass.  I'll use it in my art.  Thanks!

For Yellow Grass (+91)  Oh, Yellow Grass.  I'll use it in my art.  Thanks!

For Medicinal Herb (+20): Oh, is this Medicinal Grass for me?  But I like curry

For Medicinal Herb (+20) (with music):  Oh, is this Medicinal Herb for me? 
Thanks.  But I like jam more.

On Daria's Birthday:

Shara:  It's Daria's birthday today.  I gave her many colourful grasses she can
paint with.

Daria:  Today's my birthday?!

My choices:
That's right.

If I choose: W-What?!

Daria:  That's how it is!

For Orange Grass on her Birthday: (93):  Oh, Orange Grass!  Nice birthday
present!  I like it!

If I choose: That's right.
Daria:  Huh?  Did you know?

Daria:  The thing I hate most is Shrimp.  *shiver*...

Freyr:  Just thinking about them makes you shudder?  That's a pretty extreme

Daria:  Those long antennae, all of those little legs... They're so creepy!

Freyr:  Wow!  I've never seen you this afraid of anything.

Daria:  I marked my birthday on your calendar.  It's the 24th of Spring..

Freyr:  Oh, thank ---  Wait, you did what?

For Orange Grass:  (Thanks!)  Oh, Orange Grass.  I'll use it in my art. 


Birthday: 2 Autumn
Favourite Scents:
Favourite Gifts: Chocolate Cake, any Sweets

Official Description:  The diner's pastry chef.  Not a fan of vegetables... or
much else, really.

Family: Blaise, Collette

Item 1: Rod
Item 2:

Rusk is a pastry chef who works for Blaise at his diner.  He detests all
vegetables and loved sweets.

To Rusk:  So is there any food you actually LIKE?

Rusk:  Of course.  I like Cake and Ice Cream.  And I really like pastries with
chocolate.  I make them all the time at work.

Rusk:  I hate cucumbers.  Their stench is overpowering.

Freyr:  But you don't like any vegetables, right?

Rusk:  Of course not.  I'm a pastry chef.

Rusk for 'Girliness' Cologne:  Oh, I smell something nice comiing from your
direction.  I really like that.

On his Birthday:

Rusk:  Today's my birthday.  I'm gonna eat lots of sweets.

Rusk on his birthday for Chocolate Cake (displays big red heart) (This rocks!)
(+234) Can I really have this Chocolate Cake?! Is it a birthday present?
Thanks! I love these!

For Pudding (+73)  Is this Pudding for me?  Oh, a birthday present?  Thanks!  I
really like these!

Rusk for Chocolate (+68)  Is this Chocolate for me?  Oh, a birthday present? 
Thanks!  I really like these!

For Cake (+133)  Thanks!  Is this Cake for me?  Oh, a birthday present? 
Thanks!  I really like these!

Blaise:  Today is Rusk's birthday.  I'll make him a special Chocolate Cake.

Gaius:  Today's Rusk's birthday, I think.  He likes sweets.  Well, not that I'm
planning on getting him any sweets.

Collette:  Today's Rusk birthday.  Maybe I'll make him something sweet.


Birthday: 12 Summer
Favourite Cologne: Strange Scent
Favourite Gifts: Ores, Udon, Curry Udon
Dislikes: Sashimi

Official Description:  The town blacksmith.  Loves forging weapons and items. 
A dwarf.

Family: None

Item 1: Greatsword
Item 2:

Gaius is the local blacksmith, with a passion for metalworking.  He works with
Raven at the Smithy, although he considers forging more of a hobby than a job.

Shara:  Today's scent is... Strange Scent!  I bought it because it sounded
intriguing, but I don't see the appeal.  Maybe strange people like it.

Gaius:  Oh, something smells good.  It's a very calming smell... (Strange

Freyr:  Wow, the forge is so hot...

Gaius:  Yeah... I like to eat piping hot Udon in front of it.

Freyr:  Is that why it's so hot...?

Gaius for Medicinal Herb:  Huh?  Is this for me?  Thanks.  This is great.  I
would have been happier if it were ore I could forge.  (+20 Green)

If you go upstairs at 10.00 p.m., press A at the table to obtain some food as
follows and discover something Gaius dislikes:

Freyr:  This food looks good.

Gaius:  I'm not a fan.  You want any?

Snapper Sashimi pops out.

If you give him Snapper Sashimi:

For Snapper Sashimi (with black cloud)(-162):  Hmmm... This is sashimi, isn't
it...?  I don't like raw fish.  So I'll just throw it on the forge to cook it
a bit before I eat it.  If I'm eating in front of the furnace, then I'd rather
have some hot Curry Udon.

On Gaius' Birthday:

Shara:  Today is Gaius' Birthay.  Perhaps he'd like some iron you've found in
Privera Forest?

Giaus:  Today's my birthday.  Oh, I didn't say that because I wanted you to do
something for me.

For Fried Udon (+284)  Hmm?  I can have this?  No, I'm happy!  Getting
something I like on my birthday!  Thanks!

For Silver on his birthday:  Hmm?  I can have this?  No, I'm happy!  Getting
something I like on my birthday!  Thanks!


Biirthday: 3 Summer
Favourite Scents: Fish Scent
Most Favourite Gifts: Snapper, any Fish
Most Detested Gifts: Recipe Bread

Official Description:  Extremely passionate about fishing and life in general. 
Loves his sister and can be overprotective of her.

Family: Carmen

Item 1: Water Spear
Item 2:

Carlos: (Hey, scope out that moon!)  Hmmmm?!  This wonderful scent...?  Is it
you? (with many red hearts)  It's so relaxing.  Why does it remind me of
Carmen?  Hmmm.  (Fish scent)

For Masu Trout:  Oh!  it's my favourite!  You know me too well.

For Recipe Bread:  Sorry, I hate these.  It gives me heartburn..  I would've
liked something with snapper.

On his Birthday, 3 Summer:

Rusk:  Today's Carlos' Birthday.  Maybe I'll bake him a fish-shaped cake.

Carmen:  Today's Carlos' birthday!  I always make him his favourite snapper. 
He loves it.  You should say something if you see him.  As a favour to his

Carlos:  Today's my birthday!  It's so great to be alive!

Freyr:  Happy birthday, Carlos.

Carlos:  Men have enemies everywhere.  I need to live long to be able to fight
them off.  You get it, bro'...?

Freyr:  Ah... (Carlos is pretty funny.)

For Snapper on his Birthday:  Oh, Snapper!  This for me?  You knew it was my
birthday... You just made my day.  Heh heh, I guess I've been doing something
right to deserve this.  Thanks.


Birthday: 26 Spring
Favourite Scents:
Favourite Gifts: Accessories (Cheap Bracelet), Pudding
Detests: Fish

Official Description: A very shy girl.  She has a habit of biting strangers. 
She loves her older sister and is very protective of her.  

Family:  Wells, Shara

Item 1: 
Item 2: Silver Pendant

Monica is the daughter of Mayor Wells and the younger sister of Shara.  She has
an alarming tendency to bite strangers.  She loves Sweets and you can find her
secret stash of Pudding on the upper floor of the Fantastic Flowers Shop where
she lives with her family.

Go upstairs between 9.30 p.m. and 9.45 p.m. to investigate the upper floor and,
when you discover Monica's stash, she will give you a Pudding to persuade you
to keep her secret safe.

Official Description:  A very shy girl.  She has a habit of biting strangers. 
She loves her older sister and is very protective of her.  
Family: Wells, Shara

Monica:  The Catch the Most Fish Contest is tomorrow...*sigh*

Freyr:  What's wrong?

Monica:  I hate fish...

Monica for Silver Pendant (with big red heart):  Shara says I shouldn't accept
gifts, but this is special.  It should be ok!

Shara on Monica's Birthday;  Today is Monica's birthday.  I plan on giving her
a cute accessory.  I told her I was baking her a cake, so I'm sure she'll be

Wells on Monica's Birthday:  Monica's growing up so fast... Well, it's still
more fun to celebrate her birthday than mine.  Frankly, I could do without the
reminder that I've grown yet another year older.

Monica:  Hmph... Today's my birthday!  So Shara's gonna bake me a cake today! 
Heh heh, jealous?(music)

For Pudding on her birthday (40):  Thanks...
For Strawberry Jam on her birthday (32) Thanks...
For Baked Rice Ball on her birrhday (80)  Thanks...

Friendship Dialogues:

At 6 Hearts:  

Monica:  I got a hat from Grandpa!

Freyr:  That's nice.

Monica:  Yeahm, although it has a weird shape, I'm still gonna take good care
of it!


Birthday: 19 Winter
Favourite Scents: Girliness Cologne, The Bee's Knees
Favourite Gifts: Rice Ball, Dumplings

Official Description:


Weapon/Accessory:  None
Wells is one of the Characters you cannot Invite to accompany you into the

Wells is Shara's father and the Mayor of Sharance.  He is very hostile towards
Monsters, although the precise reason for the emnity between Monsters and
Humans is lost in the mists of the past.  He and his two daughters, Shara and
Monica, live on the floor above the Fantastic Flowers Shop where Flower Seeds,
Magic Seeds and Flowers are sold.

Birthday Gift, 1st Year: Ironleaf Seed

For 'Girliness' Cologne, 'The Bee's Knees':  Something smells nice.  Did you
get some cologne from Shara?

For Medicinal Herb:  This isn't a bad gift, but to be honest, I'd rather have a
rice ball.

Wells for Rice Ball: (+114) (Thank you!)  Oh, this is my favourite!  Thanks!

Actual Dialogue:

Wells (with cross hurt):  Shara suggested that I take up knitting to keep my
mind active and sharp.  What does she think I am, some senile old man?  My
mind's as sharp as a wolf's tooth!


Birthday: 8 Summer
Favourite Scents:  Girliness Cologne
Favourite Gifts:  Cooked Dishes

Official Description: An arrogant glutton who's amassed a vast fortune.  Speaks
in opposites.

Family: Sofia, Evelyn

Weapon/Accessory: None
Sherman is one of the Characters you cannot Invite to accompany you into

Sherman and his daughter Sofia live in a Mansion.  He is a great gourmand whose
primary focus always is food.  He and his daughter share an odd mannerism,
which is to speak in opposites.  Sherman will give you a Rusty Axe when you
accept his first Request and reward you with 3000G.

Sherman for 'Girliness' Cologne:  Freyr, you don't smell good!  *sniff sniff*

For Miso Eggplant:  (with music)  Oh, I can have this?!  I'm not happy at all! 
(with music)  No thank you very much.

Sherman:  Hmmm...  I am simply stuffed!  i couldn't eat even one more bite,
young squire!  Indeed, I've even resort to eating Scrap Metal at this point...
 No!  I shouldn't even think it.  That would be a mere pipe dream!

On his Birthday:

Sherman  I'm having a very merry unbirthday today!  It simply wouldn't do to
celebrate with an extravagant batch of gifts!  Particularly not food!

For Baked Rice Ball (1370)  Oh!  To get something like this for my birthday!  I
hate these!  How terrible!  No thank you very much.


Birthday: 8 Spring
Favourites:  Bamboo Shoots, Cake and other baked Sweets

Birthday Gift, 1st Year: Diamond

Official Description:  The serious, hardworking owner of the general store. 
She worries about her daughter Karina's laziness.

Family: Karina

Item 1: Battleaxe
Item 2: 

Hazel is the proprietress of the General Store.  She has a very lazy daughter
named Karina who is in charge of collecting the shipments each day from your

For Bamboo Shoot  (+288): (Thanks!)  Oh, a Bamboo Shoot?  Thanks, I like these.

Hazel Birthday Dialogues:

Hazel:  Today's... you know.  My birthday.  Oh!  I-It's not like Im expecting
to get anything from Karina!

Freyr:  Oh, I haven't said anything yet...

For Bamboo Shoot (with music) (+288): Oh, a birthday present?  I really like
this!  Thank you!

Hazel:  Oh, Freyr.  This Medicinal Herb is for me?  So this is my birthday
present?  Thanks.  Maybe I could get a cake next time.  You know, I'm not very
good at baking, so I don't get to enjoy fresh-baked goods very often.

Karina:  What do you think Mom would like for her birthday?

Freyr:  Um...

My chooices:

If I choose: Food

Karina:  I'll leave it to you then.  (It's today.)*

Freyr:  What?!
*She will give the same Response for any of the three choices.

Blaise: Today is Hazel's birthday.  I plan on making her a special birthday

Shara:  It's Hazel's birthday today.  I thnk she'll like the cake I made.

Shino:  Today is Hazel's Birthday.  When I asked her what she wanted, she told
me sh'd like some cake...

Freyr:  Um... Is that supposed to be a hint...?

Hazel for Medicinal Herb (with music) (+20)  Oh, Freyr.  This Medicinal Herb if
for me?  Thanks.  Maybe I could get a cake next time.  You know, I'm not very
good at baking, so I don't get to enjoy fresh-baked goods very often.


Birthday: 10 Autumn
Favourite Colognes: Delicious Delight, Girliness, Maturity
Favourite Gifts: Sweets
Detested Gifts: Wine

Official Description: A three-star chef who's laid-back... except when it comes
to the kitchen.

Family:  Collette, Rusk

Item 1: Thief Knife
Item 2: 

Birthday Gift, 1st Year; Gold Cabbage Seed

Shara:  Oh, cologne?  How fashionable of you.  Today's scent is...  Delicious

Freyr:  D-Delicious Delight...?

Shara:  People who like cooking or eating will like this one.

For 'Delicious Delight' or 'Girliness:

Blaise:  Oh, are you wearing cologne?  It smells very nice. 

Blaise for Pudding (+269) Pudding, I see. Thank you. I've always liked these.

For Medicinal Herb (Green +20) This Medicinal Herb is for me?  Thank you.  I'd
be happy to receive any sweets.

For Wine (Red -268 FP)  Wine, I see... I don't like alcohol... But, thank you. 
I would prefer sweets like Chocolates from now on, if you don't mind.

On his birthday:

Collette:  Today's my dad's birthday.  What should I make for him?  I'll talk
to Rusk about it.

Rusk:  Today's Dad's birthday.  I'm gonna cook him something special!

Blaise:  Today is my birthday.  I'm truly blessed to have children to celebrate

Shara:  Today is Blaise's Birthday.  If I remember correctly, he really likes
desserts.  Maybe you could get him something.

Shino:  Today's Blaise's birthday, so I thought to get him something sweet. 
He's always taking good care of us, so I thought I'd get him something he

Gave Blaise Cake:
Blaise:  (352)  Oh, Cake?  I'm so happy to receive something I like for my


Birthday: 26 Autumn
Favourite Scents:
Favourite Gifts: Mushrooms
Most Detested Gifts:

Official Description:  The town innkeeper, and Skuya's mother.  She seems to
have a hidden past...

Family:  Sakuya

Item 1: Steel Katana
Item 2: 

For Medicinal Herb:  Thank you.  By the way, do you know mushrooms?  Even
poiisonous ones smell so nice.

Freyr:  What?!


Birthday:  11 Winter
Favourite Scents:
Most Favourite Gifts:  Coloured Grasses

Official Description: Once a great witch, she's now the town doctor.  Marian's
unpredicatable antics keep her busy.

Family:  Marian

Weapon/Accessory:  None
Marjorie is one of the Characters who cannot accompany you into combat.

Marjorie is Marian's grandmother and possibly the actual owner of the
Apothecary Shop.  Marian presides at the counter for the most part, but you
will find Marjorie often in the building.

For Medicinal Herb) (+20)  Oh, Medicinal Herb?  Thank you.  By the way, would
you share any coloured grass you find with me?  I use them in medicine.  I'd
really appreciate that.

The Univir Tribe


Birthday: 17 Winter
Most Favourite Gifts: Sweets

Official Description:  The proud elder of the univir settlement.  One of the
last remnants of her ancient race.

Family: None

Item 1: Ice Staff
Item 2: 

Kuruna is the elder of the tribe of Univir who live in a remote settlement in
the desert of Sol Terrano.  With an ancient emnity towards humans, which is
reciprocated, although the reasons for it are lost in the mists of time,
Kuruna will not allow your Character to enter the settlement in human form. 
It is only when he transforms into a golden Wooly that he is welcomed and
urged to join the cause.

For Pudding:  Is this for me?!  I'm so moved!


Birthday: 26 Autumn
Favourite Scents:  Iron Forge
Favourite Gifts: Udon and other Udon Dishes
Detests: Sweets

Official Description: A brash and headstrong dwarf.  He's proud of his clan's
silver eyes and brags about them to every one.

Family: None

Item 1: Cutlass
Item 2:

Zaid is a member of the Univir Tribe that makes its home in a remote part of
the Sol Terrano Desert.  He is a dwarf who will make it clear that dwarves
have been subjected to negative stereotyping and indeed, he is of normal
height and extremely handsome, without even the ghost of a beard.  He will be
quick to brag of the silver eyes that are characteristic of his own dwarf kin.

Zaid for Iron Forge:  *sniff sniff*   What's this?!  I smell something good
coming from you!  

For Fried Udon: (+500)  Oh?!  Udon!  It's so good.  Thanks!

For Dumplings (+135)  Dumplings?  Hmm, well, I guess I'll take this.  Bring me
udon next time.  Got it?!

For Pudding (-507)  Ugh... I'm not like Kuruna... Keep those sweets away from
me...  Bring me udon next time!  Got it?!

On his birthday:

Kuruna:  Today is Zaid's birthday.  He can be a bit of a loose cannon, but he's
loyal to the settlement.

Ondorus:  Today is Zaid's birthday.  I hope he calms down a bit this year.

Zaid:  Today's my birthday!  Gimme a present!  Present!

For Udon or Fried Udon on his Birthday:  Thanks.  I love getting something I
like for my birthday.


Birthday: 30 Summer
Favourite Scents:
Most Favourite Gifts: Juices

Official Description: A univir who has ben friends with Kuruna for decades.  He
loves reading books about almost any subject.

Family: None

Weapon/Accessory:  None
Ondorus will not accompany you into combat.

Ondorus lives in the tent to the left of Kuruna's tent.  He is a Horned One
like his Elder, but has a desire to work towards a situation where humans and
monsters can live together in harmony.  He does not share Kuruna's unyielding
hatred of humankind.

For Apple Juice: (+882)  Apple Juice!  Thank you.  Juice is so nice.
Ondorus:  I was just thinking how strange we univir are.

My choices:
You mean the horn?
Beause you wear capes?
Is it the pointy ears?

If you choose:  You mean the horn?
Ondorus:  Yes.  The horn is the source of our magical abilities.

Freyr: Is that right?

Ondorus:  Why and how our magical abilities are tied to our horns remains a

If you choose:  Because you wear capes?

Ondorus:  Capes are the formal attire of univir.  Do you mean to insult them?

Freyr:  I'm sorry...

Ondorus:  Though I suppose they aren't the most practical attire for the
desert.  Still, it's not so bad once you get used to it.  (with cross hurt)

If you choose: Is it the pointy ears?
Ondorus:  Yes, our ears are very similar to those of elves.  There's a chance
that we share a common ancestor, but I haven't found any hard evidence.

Freyr:  Ondorus, you've researched a lot of things.

Ondorus: Yes, there isn't much else to do around here.

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